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Emily Liefl, Outreach Manager Niagara Region “Seniors community programs”
July 9, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Emily Liefl, Outreach Manager Niagara Region “Seniors community programs” – Seniors community programs
Many services available to Niagara’s seniors
Andy Redman introduced Emily Liefl, Outreach Manager at Niagara Region Senior Services. Emily spoke on the range of services offered by NRSS and their importance in today’s community as in Canada the population of seniors 65 and older is projected to nearly double in size from 2.4 million in 2017 to 4.6 million in 2041. In Niagara, 11,400 individuals are living with a diagnosis of dementia according to the Alzheimer Society of Niagara.
The Seniors Community Programs include Long-term Care Services and Assisted Living Services. All are aimed at helping older adults to stay connected, be active and keep learning.
Two new Community Hubs will be added in 2024 and 2025 — the Gilmore Community Hub in Fort Erie (Fall 2024) and the Linhaven Community Hub, currently under construction on Ontario Street in St. Catharines. These hubs will house Seniors Community Programs.
Outreach Services connect Community Workers who can assist older adults to find and access programs and supports that help them to live independently and safely at home. Seniors Exercise programs aim to maintain and improve balance, strength and endurance for older adults and those at increased risk of falls.
The Ambulatory Rehab Program Partnership of community and healthcare providers offers outpatient ambulatory rehabilitation with a 12-week wellness program of health promotion/education/exercise sessions.
The Adult Day Program, available across Niagara, is designed to help older adults stay physically active, cognitively stimulated and socially connected. The Respite Companion Program provides an in-home respite companion for persons living with Alzheimer’s or other progressive dementia and their care partners.
The Wellness Services include, in addition to group exercise, virtual wellness guest speakers on a variety of health and wellness topics related to healthy aging. Emily also mentioned Hotel Dieu Shaver Hospital which provides professional services including physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech language pathology.
Emily pointed out that the many services are available to older adults 60+ who reside in Ontario and have a valid Heath Card. While many of the services are free, there is a nominal charge for some.
Concerned about a senior? The Niagara Gatekeepers program works to identify at-risk older adults and link them with community support agencies. More information about all the services is available at www.niagararegion.ca/seniors.
Denis Woods thanked Emily for her presentation noting most of us haven’t used these valuable programs yet but certainly some of us will in the future.